UpValley Partnership for Youth
The UpValley Partnership for Youth is a coalition of community stakeholders, including parents, health providers, law enforcement, service providers, youth, educators, and community members, who work together to address the problem of underage drinking and substance use in our community. The coalition is coordinated by UpValley Family Centers & supported by Napa County Office of Education
The coalition’s mission
To use the collaborative strength of parents, youth, and community members to prevent and address problems relating to youth alcohol and marijuana use in the UpValley.
Why UpValley
Alcohol and marijuana youth use rates are high when compared to County and State averages. Risks include low parental disapproval, low perception of risk and feelings of chronic sadness. Therefore, there is a need for education and prevention efforts in our community.
How to get involved
Attend a meeting. Monthly coalition meetings alternate between Calistoga and St. Helena. For more information, please contact Karina at [email protected]